Saturday, October 13, 2012

I have officially decided what my blog will be about. (:

I have decided I will call my blog HopeInAFriend as I see that one friend can make a huge difference in a persons life. I have completely reached my limit in disappointment for the way bullying has been taken to such extremes. I am determined to make a difference even if it it happens one person at a time. This blog, a YouTube channel I am in the process of creating, and an email will all be dedicated to helping those who want and need it. It will be a source for support, advice, a person to listen to you, friendship, and most of all hope!! I am just in the beginning stages of what I plan to do, but I will frequently be posting things once this is completely up and running. Until then and forever after I will be here for anyone who needs it. 
The email I will be answering to is
The YouTube channel although its not ready yet is 
Username: HopeInAFriend
Thank you. 
Peace, Love and Hope for tomorrow <3